Best Crypto Trading Courses: Top Picks for 2023

Best Crypto Trading Courses: Top 12 Picks for 2024

With the advent of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, a new financial asset class was born. Investors and speculators have been drawn to the crypto market to pursue monetary gains for both the short and long term. Yet, cryptocurrencies are widely considered the riskiest investments due to the lack of strict regulations and significant price volatility. As a result, traders and investors need to acquire sufficient knowledge before engaging in crypto trading. One of the primary methods of reaching this level of expertise is through subscribing to the best crypto trading courses.

I’ve personally used a few of these crypto trading courses as a trader. In this article, I’ll provide a thorough review of the best crypto courses, analyzing their features. However, I will first describe some factors that will enable you to choose the most suitable course for you. Some alternatives to these crypto trading courses will also be presented, as they are not the only methods of learning crypto trading. So, bear with me, as I believe this article will help you decide which method will be more beneficial to you.

What Are Crypto Trading Courses?

For those of you wondering, “Where can I learn crypto trading?” crypto trading courses might be what you’re looking for. Crypto trading courses are educational material designed to teach individuals how they can profit from investing and trading various crypto assets like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, etc.

What Are Crypto Trading Courses?

You may also be an intermediate trader searching for the best crypto trading strategy. While the answer mainly depends on your personality and your financial and time restrictions, cryptocurrency trading courses can provide you with the answer.

Crypto trading courses are typically offered through different online mediums. The best crypto trading courses cover a wide range of topics, from basic trading concepts to advanced trading strategies and risk management methods. These courses may include video tutorials, workshops, webinars, and written content.

Enrolling in a cryptocurrency trading course can teach you how to conduct thorough market analysis and effectively manage your risk. It also helps you create a solid foundation to build your personal crypto trading strategy. Whether you are completely new to the world of cryptocurrencies or you are already an experienced trader in the traditional markets looking to diversify your trading instruments by getting involved in the crypto space, the structured approach crypto trading courses offer can be significantly beneficial to your progress.

Types of Crypto Trading Courses

There is no scarcity of variety when it comes to the cryptocurrency space, and educational trading content is no exception. Here are some of the primary categories of crypto trading courses:

  • Crypto Foundations: These cryptocurrency courses are designed to familiarize newcomers with the basics of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. Aspiring crypto traders need to understand the asset class in which they are investing.
  • Technical Analysis Courses: While not specific to cryptocurrencies, traders must have technical tools in their arsenal. Technical analysis courses teach different concepts like indicator-based strategies, price action, harmonic patterns, and smart money concepts.
  • Fundamental Analysis Courses: Fundamental analysis is another type of analysis that is mostly useful to longer-term traders and investors. Fundamentals could be specific to the crypto asset you are trading or the general state of the economy, as it significantly impacts the overall trends in crypto.
  • Advanced Derivatives Courses: These courses teach you how to use derivatives like futures and options. These financial contracts can be used for hedging and risk management purposes, as well as leveraged speculation.
  • Trading Psychology Courses: Psychology is one of the most crucial factors when it comes to trading. Traders with limited ability to control their emotions will be susceptible to deviating from their trading strategy and risk management rules.
  • Algorithmic Trading Courses: Designed for traders and developers who seek to automate their strategies, algorithmic trading courses provide you with essential knowledge on how you can turn your trading strategy into automatically executed algorithms. These courses are somewhat advanced, as they require a completely mechanical strategy and willingness to learn programming.
    Read our comprehensive guide on auto trading in Tradingview.

Algorithmic Trading Courses

Characteristics of The Best Crypto Trading Courses

To identify the best courses to learn crypto trading, you should consider several factors. Here are the most prominent characteristics of the best crypto trading educational content:

  • Comprehensive Content: Whether it is a free crypto trading course or a paid one, you should expect the course to include comprehensive content. Crypto courses lacking depth or detail are not practically useful if you are looking to build a solid foundation.
  • Practicality: Trading is a practical profession. Therefore, to acquire the best crypto trading education, you should pay significant attention to practicality. Courses with solely theoretical content are not very beneficial for traders.
  • Expert Educator: For crypto courses to offer valuable intelligence, they must be taught by instructors with sufficient expertise. Competent educators can make the content more understandable for the students, especially beginners.
  • Regular Updates: The cryptocurrency space is evolving at a rapid pace. Numerous trading strategies are also being developed now and then. Therefore, crypto trading courses should stay up-to-date with the latest trends.
  • Resource Accessibility: Crypto trading courses should offer high-quality resources, including reading material, video content, and other supplementary tools and material.
  • Positive Reviews: Finally, you can always gain valuable insight by checking out what others think about each crypto trading course. Customer experience can significantly help you in choosing the most suitable course for catering to your needs.

Alternatives to Crypto Trading Courses

While learning in the structured roadmap that crypto trading courses offer is highly beneficial to most individuals, there are alternative methods available that might be as helpful to your progress, if not more. Here are the most prominent alternatives to crypto trading courses:

  • YouTube Videos: The internet is flooded by free educational content these days and one of the best places to find them is YouTube. Numerous YouTube channels create videos related to crypto trading that can teach you how to trade crypto.
  • Cryptocurrency Forums and Communities: Online forums like Reddit contain a large variety of crypto trading tips and written educational material. However, you should consider the competency of the sources you are following on these platforms. For instance, to find the best crypto trading courses on Reddit, you should look for content written by experienced, profitable crypto traders to maximize your learning.

Alternatives to Crypto Trading Courses

  • Social Media: Countless traders and investors are present on social media platforms like X, Instagram, and Facebook. You can leverage the instructions offered by these individuals to learn about crypto trading. Find out the top crypto signals telegram channels and groups.
  • Mentors: Having expert mentors at your disposal by enrolling in crypto trading classes can lead to fascinating results. In addition to teaching you theoretically, mentors can actively guide you through your trading journey, ensuring you stick to the necessary procedures and achieve optimal results.
  • Monitoring Successful Traders: Social crypto trading platforms often showcase the performance of their top traders publicly. You can analyze these experts and constantly learn from every trade they place and the strategies they use.
  • Learning by Doing: Like every other profession, you can learn trading by simply doing it. However, remember to journal every trade you take and keep an accurate record of your performance. You can use Finestel’s portfolio tracker feature by connecting your exchange account to our platform. We provide you with useful metrics and detailed insight to facilitate your performance evaluation process. Learn more about the benefits of keeping a trading journal and how to create one.

Top 12 Crypto Trading Courses

In the previous sections of this article, we thoroughly explained what crypto trading courses are, briefly mentioned the different types, and described the characteristics of top crypto trading courses. We also introduced a few alternatives to these courses. It is now time to review the best crypto trading courses of 2024 and analyze each one. Note that I will start with the five courses I personally subscribed to and share my own experience. For other ones, I will rely on other users’ experiences and feedback.

Cryptocurrency Fundamentals – Udemy

Being the best-selling cryptocurrency course on Udemy, the online education platform, this course has much to offer. Designed for beginners, the Cryptocurrency Fundamentals course teaches beginners what cryptocurrencies are and how they can trade them in a short amount of time.

The Cryptocurrency Fundamentals course provides you with the basic knowledge required for entering the crypto trading space. In addition to short video tutorials, it also includes complementary learning material like PDFs for those who prefer written content. In case you are new to crypto trading, this might just be the course for you.


  • Concise, to-the-point instructions
  • PDF Material
  • Onetime payment for life


  • Lack of assessment tools
  • No certificate
  • Basic content

Personal Experience

Now, for my personal verdict, this might just be the best crypto trading course out there. First and foremost, I personally use online learning platforms a lot, and Udemy is my favorite. The Cryptocurrency Fundamentals course provides a structured path for learning the basics of crypto. I personally used previous versions of this course to learn a lot of what I now know about the crypto market. Yet, if, unlike me, you want a certificate, this course does not offer one. Finally, the price might seem high for many starting traders, but being a one-time payment makes it worth it. At least, it did for me.

Price: $64.99

Rekt Capital Trading Course

While having an unknown identity, Rekt Capital is an experienced crypto trader. He offers his knowledge to aspiring traders and helps them reach profitability and consistency in their crypto trading career. By enrolling in Rekt Capital’s trading course, you are learning from one of the best in the industry.

Rekt Capital has multiple trading courses related to various parts of crypto trading. These courses include a comprehensive technical analysis course, an altcoin trading course, a Bitcoin course, and ultimately, a risk management course. You can access all these courses via the Rekt Capital platform.


  • Learning from one of the best
  • Comprehensive content covering different areas of crypto trading
  • Lifetime access if you purchase Rekt Capital Masterclass


  • No certificate
  • Limited number of user reviews on third-party websites like Trustpilot
  • High price

Price: $499

Personal Experience

So, let me share my personal experience with this one. The Rekt Capital crypto trading course is best suited for traders who are already familiar with the basics of trading and crypto. Yet, the material is so comprehensive that with enough effort, you might be able to crack it as a beginner. This one also does not offer a certificate, but you’ll have the opportunity to learn from a proven pro trader directly. Moreover, concerning the price, yes, it is high. However, if you want to get serious about crypto trading, there is a good chance that you’ll be able to use what you’ve learned to make up for the cost in a short time.

Technical Analysis Masterclass 2023 – Udemy

If you are looking for a comprehensive technical analysis course, we suggest checking out Udemy’s Technical Analysis Masterclass course. The course focuses solely on teaching various technical analysis concepts and how to apply them. This is one of the most interactive trading courses you can find on the internet, and might just be the best crypto technical analysis course.

The instructor teaches you through TradingView, the most popular charting tool. It consists of over 6 hours of on-demand video content as well as several downloadable complementary resources. A solid technical analysis foundation is one of the main pillars of every crypto trading strategy. Therefore, this course be highly beneficial for crypto traders.


  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Numerous practical examples
  • Lifetime access


  • Lack of assessment tools
  • No certificate

Price: $19.99

Personal Experience

Let me share my opinion about the Technical Analysis Masterclass course on Udemy. While being on Udemy is a huge plus for me, the course has no assessment tool. However, the instructor covers this lack with an abundant number of chart examples. This course was the best compliment to the Udemy Cryptocurrency Fundamentals course I introduced earlier. Having both technical analysis knowledge and an understanding of the fundamentals of crypto kickstarted my journey as a crypto trader, and it can do the same for you. The price is also pretty low, and the teacher’s clear instructions made it worthwhile for me.

Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies – edX

A course mainly focused on Bitcoin but also covering other cryptocurrencies, the Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies course by edX is another suitable option for beginners. While not primarily concentrated on crypto trading, it provides students with in-depth knowledge about how cryptocurrencies and blockchains work, which is essential for conducting fundamental analysis.

This course is taught by crypto experts Rustie Lin, and Mengyi Wang. These instructors are well-known in the blockchain space, especially due to their presence in the Blockchain at Berkley organization. The course is designed to help you understand the fascinating technology behind the world of crypto assets.


  • Graded assignments and exams
  • Detailed overview of crypto fundamentals
  • Free


  • Not specifically made for traders

Price: Free

Personal Experience

In the battle of E-Learning platforms, edX is the runner-up for me behind Udemy. There are tons of valuable courses on the platform, and the Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies course is definitely among them. The thing I liked the most about this one was its assignment, exam, and grading system. Having an expert crypto enthusiast correcting you created an outstanding experience for me. And last but not least, grasping all this valuable knowledge without spending a single penny is a huge plus. However, as already mentioned, it focuses primarily on fundamentals and might not be that beneficial to traders, but it is very helpful for beginner crypto investors.

The Complete Cryptocurrency & Bitcoin Trading Course 2023 – Udemy

Udemy’s Complete Cryptocurrency & Bitcoin Trading Course 2023 is a lengthy one. Yet, it promises to teach students how to earn passive income from cryptocurrency trading. More than 20,000 students have already enrolled in this course, and the reviews are decent.

The curriculum includes instructions on how to register and use cryptocurrency trading accounts, the best trading tool to use, how to reduce risks and protect profits, and technical trading techniques like using moving averages to capture price moves. 


  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Comprehensive content


  • No certificate

Price: $84.99

Personal Experience

The final course I’m going to share my personal experience with is The Complete Cryptocurrency & Bitcoin Trading Course on Udemy. This one has definitely earned its title, Complete. It is among the most comprehensive trading courses available on the internet. Personally, when I stumbled upon this one, I was already competent in some of the basics and fundamentals of crypto trading. However, this one really filled some crucial gaps in my knowledge. Furthermore, I was a little skeptical about the price myself, but offering a 30-day money-back guarantee made me subscribe to the course, and I never regretted it.

Find out the best crypto podcasts in 2024.

Advanced Cryptocurrency Trading Course – Udemy

The Advanced Cryptocurrency Trading Course by Udemy is one of the top crypto trading courses which contains teachings on advanced trading concepts. So, it is not a beginner-friendly educational program. However, if you already know the basics of crypto trading, the insight offered by the course can be invaluable to you and well worth the price.

This course offers instructions on multiple different subjects such as short selling strategies, risk management and money management techniques, arbitrage strategies, market neutral mean reversion strategy, and reading the orderbook.


  • Advanced trading concepts
  • It teaches complete trading strategies


  • Not suitable for beginners
  • Expensive

Price: $219.99

Crypto Trading 101: Buy Sell Trade Cryptocurrency for Profit – Udemy

This course includes 4 hours of video material, aiming to teach you how to read price charts accurately and trade cryptocurrencies. The concepts you learn in this course can also be applied to other asset classes like forex, stocks, and indices.

The course uses concepts like Japanese candlestick patterns, classical price action, indicators, and volume to build you a crypto trading toolkit. The instructor claims that the course is designed for all traders regardless of their level of knowledge. However, looking at the topics, it seems more like a course suitable for novice crypto traders.


  • Comprehensive technical analysis content
  • No prior knowledge required


  • Mostly useful for beginners
  • Minimal emphasis on risk management

Price: $59.99

The Complete Cryptocurrency Investment Course – Udemy

The Complete Cryptocurrency Investment Course by Udemy covers all the fundamentals of investing in cryptocurrencies. It is a self-paced trading course that introduces the basics of the crypto market and prepares individuals to progress toward more advanced concepts and techniques related to trading and investing.

The course instructor is Mohsen Hassan who is a crypto trader, programmer, and financial risk manager. As a result, you can safely assume that he boasts sufficient knowledge and expertise to guide you toward your end goal of trading cryptocurrencies profitably.


  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Lifetime access to material
  • Comprehensive overview of crypto investing fundamentals


  • Designed for beginners
  • No accredited certificate
  • No assessment tools

Price: $79.99

Cryptocurrency Foundations – LinkedIn Learning

Another Udemy crypto course making the list is the Cryptocurrency Foundations course. This course is again a beginner-friendly one, first published on Lynda, an online education platform known as LinkedIn Learning nowadays.

The Cryptocurrency Foundations is taught by Jonathan Reichental. He is an award-winning technology leader whose innovative work in government has been recognized by the White House. The course consists of one project and three quizzes and covers the fundamentals of blockchain technology.


  • Flexible pricing (Annually or monthly)
  • 30-day free trial
  • Access to all LinkedIn Learning courses with a subscription
  • Quizzes and other assessment tools


  • No accredited certificate

Price: $19.99 per month paid annually or $39.99 per month paid monthly

Crypto Trading For Beginners

This is one of the best free crypto trading courses available on the internet. The course covers common chart patterns, helping you analyze market trends and make informed trading decisions. You will also learn effective risk management techniques to protect your capital against market price volatility.

The course does not require any prior knowledge or special equipment and platform subscriptions to go through. It covers various technical analysis concepts like price action patterns, and indicators, and even instructs you on where you should place your stop loss and take profit orders.


  • Beginner friendly
  • Thorough overview of technical analysis concepts
  • Free


  • No fundamental analysis of content
  • Only suitable for novice traders

Price: Free

Cryptocurrency Trading Explained – Udemy

One of the best free cryptocurrency trading courses you can find is the Cryptocurrency Trading Explained by Udemy. This is a very basic, short tutorial with under two hours of video content. The course aims to familiarize you with the cryptocurrency market, exchanges, security considerations, and the basic concepts of buying and selling crypto.

Meanwhile, it will also teach you how you can conduct research and evaluate different crypto projects by introducing valuable resources and online tools. It also provides a brief explanation of how taxation works in crypto trading.


  • Concise, practical material
  • Free


  • Lacking in depth
  • Very basic content

Price: Free

The Ultimate Cryptocurrency Trading Course for Beginners

Our last entry is arguably the best crypto trading course on YouTube. The course is accessible through the MoneyZG YouTube channel which has over half a million subscribers. The instructor claims that the course is enough to transform you from a beginner to a confident cryptocurrency trader.

The course includes instructions on how you can buy and sell cryptocurrencies, investment methods in the crypto market, and conducting technical analysis. While offering introductory content, it is among the top crypto day trading courses on YouTube.


  • Easily Accessible through YouTube
  • Free


  • Basic material

Price: Free

Top 10 Crypto Trading Courses


Best for Trials & Guarantees Price
Cryptocurrency Fundamentals Beginners None $64.99
Rekt Capital Trading Course Everyone None $499
Technical Analysis Masterclass 2023 Everyone 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee $19.99
Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies – edX Everyone None Free
The Complete Cryptocurrency & Bitcoin Trading Course 2023 – Udemy Everyone 30-Day money-back guarantee $84.99
Advanced Cryptocurrency Trading Course – Udemy Advanced Traders None $219.99
Crypto Trading 101: Buy Sell Trade Cryptocurrency for Profit – Udemy Beginners None $59.99
The Complete Cryptocurrency Investment Course – Udemy Beginners 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee $79.99
Cryptocurrency Foundations – LinkedIn Learning Everyone 30-Day Free Trial $19.99/month paid annually

$39.99/month paid monthly

Crypto Trading For Beginners Beginners None Free
Cryptocurrency Trading Explained – Udemy Beginners None Free
The Ultimate Cryptocurrency Trading Course for Beginners Beginners None


What Are Crypto Day Trading Courses?

Crypto day trading courses are specialized educational programs designed to teach individuals how to effectively trade cryptocurrencies within a single trading day, with the goal of profiting from short-term price fluctuations. These courses aim to provide traders with the knowledge and skills necessary to analyze crypto markets, identify trading opportunities, execute trades, and manage risks in the fast-paced environment of daily cryptocurrency trading.

A typical crypto day trading course will include comprehensive instruction on topics such as technical analysis of charts and market data, understanding trends and volatility, using trading indicators and tools, reading order books and depth charts, executing market, limit and stop orders, implementing risk management best practices, psychology and emotional control, and more. Course formats can range from pre-recorded video lessons, live webinars, theoretical content, case studies, quizzes, and hands-on practice simulations.

The goal of crypto day trading courses is to prepare traders to react quickly to intraday swings in the highly volatile cryptocurrency markets. They teach traders specialized techniques to try and profit from even small 1-5% price moves within very short timeframes, sometimes just minutes. The ability to make fast analyses and entries/exits is crucial. Crypto day trading requires an understanding of the technical concepts and the mental discipline to stick to planned strategies. Taking an in-depth trading course can provide the education needed to day trade cryptocurrencies successfully.

Top 5 Crypto Day Trading Courses

Some of the best crypto day trading courses are:

  1. The Complete Cryptocurrency & Bitcoin Trading Course 2022 by Udemy: This course covers the fundamentals of cryptocurrency investing and trading, as well as advanced techniques such as arbitrage, scalping, and swing trading.
  2. Crypto Trading 101: Buy Sell Trade Cryptocurrency for Profit by Udemy: This course teaches you how to use various tools and indicators to analyze the crypto market and execute profitable trades.
  3. Cryptocurrency Mastery: The Complete Crypto Trading Course by Udemy. This course guides you through the entire process of crypto trading, from setting up your account and wallet to developing your own trading system and strategy.
  4. Cryptocurrency Trading 2022: Hands-On Crypto Trading Course by Udemy. This course provides you with practical exercises and live examples to help you master crypto trading skills and strategies.
  5. Cryptocurrency Foundations by LinkedIn Learning: This course gives you a comprehensive overview of the cryptocurrency ecosystem, including its history, technology, regulation, and future potential.

The Best Crypto Trading Courses in 2024 Infographic

The Best Crypto Trading Courses in 2024 Infographic


In this article, we focused on crypto trading courses. The article began with what a crypto trading course is and carried on to mention the different categories of courses and describe the factors you should consider when looking for top crypto trading courses. Moreover, we introduced alternatives for crypto education and briefly illustrated each one. Finally, the article provided a comprehensive review of the best crypto trading courses available.

Trading cryptocurrencies is significantly risky, especially if you lack sufficient knowledge and a certain level of expertise. Consequently, to protect your capital and build a better financial future, you should actively educate yourself. Crypto trading courses are one of the numerous methods of learning how to trade cryptocurrencies but are also one of the most effective ones.

5/5 - (6 votes)

My name is Edris, founder of TradingRage. I have been a crypto & forex trader and asset manager for the last 5 years. I’ve also been writing online content about finance and the financial markets, as it is my true passion. I’ve written numerous articles, landing pages, and market analyses (for popular websites like CryptoQuant and . To wrap it up, I am a trader, money manager and author.

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