What Are Trading Tournaments

Exploring Trading Tournaments: Strategies, Benefits, and Challenges

Have you ever wondered about how you rank against other traders? Participating in trading tournaments is a suitable way to test yourself against other traders and potentially win prestigious rewards. Trading tournaments offer winners various bonuses if they can outperform their competitors.

In the following text, we focus on trading tournaments. We start by explaining what they are and pointing out details like who holds them, what advantages they offer, and what types they include. Moreover, this article provides helpful tips and mentions common mistakes to equip you to perform well in competitions. Finally, we introduced Finestel’s white-label asset management solution and how it suits tournament winners.

What Are Trading Tournaments?

Trading tournaments are events in which traders participate and compete with one another. These tournaments are often held virtually, meaning traders use demo accounts to showcase their skills. Yet, some tournaments require participants to trade on real funds. The traders who demonstrate the best performance in a specified period are usually crowned as winners.

Traders who generate the highest returns during the tournament win different prizes, depending on their final rank and the organizer’s policy. These prizes vary from cash rewards to advanced trading tools and even funding. Trading tournaments provide an excellent opportunity for traders to test themselves against other competitors, observe different strategies, and learn from each other. Institutions also have the chance to identify talented traders to recruit or invest in.

Types of Trading Tournaments

There are different types of trading tournaments held every year. Each of these tournaments has a set of distinct participation criteria and objectives.

Types of Trading Tournaments

Many competitions are held for promotional purposes, that is, to promote a broker, exchange, or trading platform. Here are some of the most common types of trading tournaments based on various criteria:

  • Time-Limited: Most trading tournaments have a specific time limit. For example, participants have three months to demonstrate their skills and gain the most returns possible.
  • Profit-Based: In this type of competition, you must reach a particular profit target to win the final prize. These targets are usually expressed in terms of percentage returns on the initial account balance.
  • Market-Specific: Some trading tournaments are specific for certain markets and instruments. Crypto trading tournaments are a good example.
  • Algorithmic Trading: There are specific tournaments dedicated to algorithmic trading. The developers with the most profitable algorithm win the prize.
  • World Championships: Held by particular organizations, these tournaments are the grand stage for trading competition. Only consistently profitable traders with acceptable statements are allowed to take part.

Where Are They Usually Held?

There is no unique location for trading competitions, as they are mostly remote, thanks to online trading platforms. However, various organizations hold these events. Some of them host trading tournaments to promote their product or service. These include brokers, cryptocurrency exchanges, and even trading platform developers.

Prop trading firms also hold competitions and reward the top traders on their leaderboards with additional funds to trade on. Copy trading platforms are another group that holds tournaments among their traders. There are also notable global institutions that host world championship tournaments and are widely recognizable around the trading industry. 


What Are the Values of These Tournaments?

Trading tournaments can be fruitful for the parties involved. Organizers and hosts can promote their businesses and earn income from sponsorships and even directly from participants by charging them a participation fee. These competitions are also advantageous for traders, as they can showcase their skills, test their abilities, and compete for rewards.

What Are the Values of These Tournaments?


Tournaments have various prerequisites based on their category. For example, broker or prop firm tournaments require traders to have accounts with them. On the other hand, world championship tournaments might mandate you to trade on your own money, pay a participation fee, or even demonstrate a valid trading history before allowing you to participate.

Advantages of Participating in Trading Tournaments

There are several benefits associated with taking part in trading tournaments. Participating in these tournaments is an exceptional chance to practice trading and test your strategy against other traders. You would also be able to learn from other participants and improve your skillset.

Another advantage of taking part in trading competitions is a direct result of competing itself. As human beings, our behavior drastically changes when we are under pressure, and tournaments can get quite stressful. Therefore, trading under these difficult conditions can help you build mental resilience. Resilience is an essential trait for traders, as they operate in a risky, stressful environment.

Moreover, reputable trading tournaments often provide insightful feedback on your performance. You can use this information to improve your skills and work on your weaknesses. Networking is another perk associated with these competitions. You can make valuable connections with successful traders and even attract potential investors.

Last but not least, you will gain specific incentives and prizes if you win a tournament. These prizes can be monetary, like cash rewards or even funding, or non-monetary, like being promoted by media and even access to advanced trading tools and platforms.

Exploring Top Trading Tournament Prizes

Tournament prizes vary based on size, hosting organization, and purpose. For instance, AXI holds a million-dollar trading tournament, and its top performer wins a $1 million trading account with them.

Cryptocurrency exchanges and forex brokers that hold competitions also offer various rewards, often involving cash bonuses ranging from a few hundred to thousands of dollars. They also provide the winner with social media coverage, introducing them to the trading community.

There are also global world championship tournaments, like the World Cup Trading Championships. These companies reward the winners with magazine articles, interviews, and widely recognizable trading trophies. These prizes are more valuable to successful traders than money, as they can make a name for themselves and attract significant investments.

World Cup Trading Championships Homepage

Strategies for Success in Trading Tournaments

Different types of tournaments require different trading strategies. Trend following, range trading, and scalping systems are practical for competition. Your approach can also be based on diverse concepts and methods like price action, smart money, order flow, volume trading, etc. Just so you know, it is only necessary that you are comfortable with trading it.

All that being said, any system you choose to trade in competitions with should have the potential to generate high returns for you to have a chance to win. Looser risk management and taking higher risks per trade is another helpful technique for magnifying your returns. However, it is needless to state that it also increases your risk and potential drawdown. So, remember to check the risk management rules of the competition you are participating in before designing your plan.

What Are The Biggest Crypto Trading Competitions?

Several different crypto exchanges and platforms hold crypto trading competitions every once in a while. By introducing these tournaments, we hope you are able to make an informed decision on which one you are interested in participating in. The biggest crypto trading tournaments are listed below.

Binance Futures Grand Tournament

Binance is the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world and is even becoming a household name in the world of finance. The Binance Futures Grand Tournament is a competition held annually where perpetual futures traders compete to generate the most returns. The participants share a whopping prize pool of $1.8 million. With Binance being one of the most reputable companies in the industry, this tournament is definitely one to consider. 

Bybit Trading Competition

Bybit is another top cryptocurrency exchange that has been rapidly gaining popularity over the past couple of years. They offer a trading competition every year between the Bybit users who wish to participate. Competitors are ranked based on their PnL percentage, and the top 15 traders at the end of the tournament share the rewards from a 43,000 USDT prize pool.

KuCoin Margin Trading Competition

KuCoin is a popular crypto exchange offering various services to traders all around the globe. They hold margin trading competitions that KuCoin users can take part in. Participants can choose from any of the available margin trading pairs. The top 50 traders in the final ranking are rewarded with a total prize pool of 30,000 USDT. Considering the enormous number of coins and tokens KuCOin supports, you would have diverse options if you opt to participate.

OKX Summer Trading Competition

As one of the top 10 centralized crypto exchanges, OKX hosts a summer trading competition. Thousands of users participate in this tournament, with the trader generating the highest amount of profits, winning 70% of the total prize pool, which is a massive 250,000 USDT. Participants can also enjoy small bonuses for using the exchange.

Huobi Futures Trading Competition

Huobi is one of the older cryptocurrency exchanges around, founded in 2013. The Huobi futures trading competition requires users to trade USDT-M futures pairs. Like other trading tournaments, the winner would be the trader who gains the most profits. Houbi rewards the top 3 traders with a considerable portion of the $10,000 prize pool.

What Are Some Common Mistakes Traders Make in Tournaments?

Trading competitions add another stress factor besides the emotional difficulties already associated with trading. Not only do you require to be profitable, but you also need to perform better than everyone else. This excess pressure can cause you to make errors. Here are the most common mistakes traders make in tournaments:

  • Over-Leveraging: While we already introduced loose risk management as a technique to increase your returns, you should only do it if you are experienced enough. Excess risk-taking in hopes of performing better than others is not a good idea.
  • Overtrading: One of the most common issues in any trader’s journey is overtrading. Trading tournaments and competing with others might urge you to trade more frequently than you should and eventually blow your account.
  • Not Following Your Plan: You should always have a predefined trading plan before entering a tournament. Yet, the psychological pressures of competition might make you forget about your strategy and act impulsively, which always results in disaster.
  • Failing The Rules: Each trading competition has its own set of rules. Carefully read the rules and remember to comply with them. You will be knocked out of the tournament if you disobey them.

Finestel’s White Label Solution: The Next Step for Tournament Winners

If you are a tournament winner, we first wish to congratulate you. To perform better than many other professional traders is no ordinary feat. We also like to provide you with an offer that is well suited to successful traders like yourself. If you are interested in managing investor money and increasing your AUM, Finestel is for you.

You can use Finestel’s white-label solution to run your own crypto asset management business. Our platform offers access to one of the best copy trading technologies worldwide. However, this is not where it ends. We also provide helpful portfolio tracking tools, performance analytics, CRM and client support, sales and marketing insight, automated billings, etc.

Moreover, the icing on the cake is that Finestel offers you all these services as a white label under your own brand. We ensure an enjoyable journey for you and your investors without any headaches related to technical and operational issues. You do your trading and risk management, and we do the rest.

Trading Tournaments Infographic

Trading Tournaments Infographic

Trading Tournaments Infographic


In this article, we concentrated on trading tournaments, which are competitions held by various entities and reward the best-performing traders. We aimed to provide you with a broader view of this topic by mentioning different types of contests and their prerequisites. The advantages of these tournaments and the common mistakes traders make in them, like overtrading, were also pointed out. Ultimately, we presented you with Finestel’s white-label solution and explained how it can help you develop your asset management business.

Trading tournaments are some of the most exciting events in the industry, as they put professional traders head to head to battle it out and produce a winner. However, it is beneficial to even participate in these contests, as they offer excellent opportunities for testing yourself and learning more about your strategy and the markets. They are also an extreme practice for traders to improve their emotional resilience, as stakes cannot get much higher than in a trading tournament with a prestigious prize.


Who Can Participate in Trading Tournaments?

While most trading tournaments are available for anyone to take part in, some of the more serious ones require traders to display an official track record.

What Are the Biggest Trading Tournament Prizes?

Tournament prizes vary from one to another and are highly dependent on the size of the competition. However, there are million-dollar trading tournaments held by specific companies once in a while.

What Is the Best Crypto Copy Trading Platform?

Finestel is mainly a trading solution provider. Meanwhile, it also offers the best crypto copy trading technology and platforms out there.

Are Trading Tournaments Suitable for Beginners?

No. Trading tournaments are primarily suitable for professional, experienced traders. Yet, some beginner-friendly tournaments are available, mainly held for educational purposes.

What Assets Can I Trade in Trading Tournaments?

The assets you can trade in tournaments vary from one competition to another. Some tournaments also allow users to trade different asset classes.

Is There an Entry Fee to Join Trading Tournaments?

Yes, most trading tournaments require traders to pay a participation fee before being able to join the competition.

Are There Different Skill-Level Categories In Trading Tournaments?

Depending on the company hosting the tournament, there might be different tiers for trading contests based on traders’ skill levels.

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My name is Edris, founder of TradingRage. I have been a crypto & forex trader and asset manager for the last 5 years. I’ve also been writing online content about finance and the financial markets, as it is my true passion. I’ve written numerous articles, landing pages, and market analyses (for popular websites like CryptoQuant and CryptoPotato.com) . To wrap it up, I am a trader, money manager and author.

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