What is Bybit Risk limit

Bybit Risk Limit: Dynamic Leverage and Laddered Liquidations

Bybit is one of the go-to cryptocurrency exchanges for derivatives traders around the world. It provides a range of trading tools, including high-leverage futures trading options. Bybit’s professional futures traders use a variety of tools and methods to manage their risk. The Bybit risk limit feature is a handy feature that can assist traders in controlling their risk exposure.

When trading leveraged instruments, you are automatically exposed to additional market risk. Adverse price movements can result in substantial losses and even wipe out your account in one trading day. Therefore, risk management gets even more importance in trading the highly volatile crypto market with leverage. In this article by Finestel, we discuss one of the most simple yet useful risk management tools Bybit offers its futures traders, the risk limit feature.

What Is Risk Limit?

The risk limit feature is a tool that helps futures traders limit their potential losses by setting a cap on their risk exposure. Highly leveraged positions with large volumes can lead to significant monetary losses for traders and might be problematic for the exchange. The latter issue arises when these positions are liquidated at prices beyond their bankruptcy levels, a phenomenon known as a contract loss. Contract losses are likely to occur during volatile market conditions. They might potentially lead to a liquidity crisis for the exchange if not prevented.

Using the risk limit is one way to tackle this problem. The risk limit is calculated based on the volume of open positions held by each trading account. As its name suggests, the risk limit feature will limit the risk exposure of each account. It significantly assists both the traders and the exchange to manage risk. It prevents catastrophic losses during high volatility periods.

What is the Bybit Risk Limit and How Does it Work?

The risk limit feature on Bybit is designed to limit the maximum risk exposure and potential losses of futures traders on the platform. With highly leveraged crypto futures trading, large position sizes can lead to substantial losses if the market moves against a trader’s position. By capping risk exposure, Bybit aims to protect both its traders and itself from catastrophic losses resulting from extreme volatility.

What is the Bybit Risk Limit and How Does it Work?

Bybit calculates the risk limit for each user based on their position size, leverage level, and the volatility of the cryptocurrencies being traded. As a trader opens larger positions with higher leverage, their risk limit will be reached sooner. At this point, Bybit will prevent the trader from opening any additional positions that would increase their risk exposure beyond the limit. This helps ensure traders cannot be liquidated due to overleveraged positions that exceed their capital to an extreme degree.

The risk limit system creates a safer trading environment on Bybit by discouraging excessive speculation and risk-taking. It reduces the likelihood of large losses that could otherwise destabilize the exchange. Bybit regularly reviews and adjusts risk limits based on changing market conditions and risk profiles. Overall, Bybit’s risk limit feature is an important risk management tool benefitting both traders and the exchange itself by preventing catastrophic liquidations and losses.

What is Bybit’s Dynamic Risk Limit?

The risk limit feature on Bybit is designed to limit the maximum risk exposure and potential losses of futures traders on the platform. With highly leveraged crypto futures trading, large position sizes can lead to substantial losses if the market moves against a trader’s position. By capping risk exposure, Bybit aims to protect both its traders and itself from catastrophic losses resulting from extreme volatility.

The risk limit is calculated by Bybit for each user based on their position size, leverage level, and the volatility of the cryptocurrencies being traded. As a trader opens larger positions with higher leverage, their risk limit will be reached sooner. At this point, Bybit will prevent the trader from opening any additional positions that would increase their risk exposure beyond the limit. This helps ensure traders cannot be liquidated due to overleveraged positions that exceed their capital to an extreme degree.

The risk limit system creates a safer trading environment on Bybit by discouraging excessive speculation and risk-taking. It reduces the likelihood of large losses that could otherwise destabilize the exchange. Bybit regularly reviews and adjusts risk limits based on changing market conditions and risk profiles. Overall, Bybit’s risk limit feature is an important risk management tool benefitting both traders and the exchange itself by preventing catastrophic liquidations and losses.

Key Benefits of Using Bybit’s Risk Limit

Bybit’s risk limit system provides several key benefits for both the traders and the platform itself. Some of the most significant ones include:

  • Risk Management: Bybit’s risk limit is a simple, handy feature that helps traders manage their risk effectively. It prevents traders from opening positions with large volumes and risking too much capital.
  • Liquidation Prevention: The risk limit system reduces the likelihood of traders’ positions getting liquidated due to price fluctuations. Considering the high volatility of the crypto market, this system can prove quite useful.
  • Platform Stability: The risk limit system enhances the overall stability of the Bybit platform. Large leveraged positions can force liquidation and market disruption. Prevent these with margin call prevention.
  • Laddered Liquidation: Bybit implements a laddered liquidation process for traders using higher risk limits. This gradual approach aims to avoid immediate and massive liquidations. As a result, it reduces the impact on both the traders and the exchange.

What is Auto-Deleveraging (ADL)?

Bybit and other cryptocurrency trading platforms use Auto-Deleveraging (ADL) as a risk management mechanism to handle situations where a trader’s futures position is liquidated but there aren’t sufficient funds to cover the losses from the insurance fund. The insurance fund is a reserve pool used to cover losses from liquidations.

When the insurance fund is insufficient to cover the losses from liquidation, the platform activates the Auto-Deleveraging (ADL) mechanism. ADL allocates the losses among profitable traders who have taken positions on the opposite side of the market. The system prioritizes the assignment of losses to traders with the most profit on that specific contract.

Utilizing ADL helps balance the risk among all the traders on the platform. Therefore, crypto derivatives exchanges like Bybit use this method to maintain financial stability and operational sustainability while avoiding liquidity issues.

How to Set the Appropriate Risk Limit on Bybit

Considering the inherent risks associated with trading, especially with leverage, every trader must know how to set an appropriate risk limit. In order to set your risk limit on Bybit’s perpetual futures trading platform, you should first log into your account and navigate to the futures trading platform.

How to Set the Appropriate Risk Limit on Bybit

In your trading panel, you can adjust the risk limit and set it to your desired level. Note that your risk limit is based on your account margin. So, in addition to your trading style and risk tolerance, you should pay attention to your account balance and margin.

Copy Trading Risk Limit Adjustments

Bybit asset managers who use Finestel’s copy trading services are provided with full control over their follower accounts’ risk limits. Using this feature, the trader can adjust the risk limit of copier accounts to match that of the master account for every individual position on each pair. Moreover, this tool is compatible with both the one-way and the hedge modes. So, it provides asset managers with multiple options based on their trading preferences.


While using the risk limit feature on Bybit copy trading, Bybit perpetual futures traders cannot risk more than a specific amount, as it limits the allowable volume they can hold on any individual position. So, in order to increase your position size, you should increase your margin by injecting more capital.

It’s important to note that the master trader and all copiers have the same maximum leverage limit, so leverage is not an issue. As a result, Finestel ensures that using this feature does not cause any problems for asset managers and their trading procedures, as it enables perfect leverage replication between the master and follower accounts.


Bybit’s dynamic risk limit feature empowers traders to effectively manage their risk exposure while trading with leverage in a highly volatile asset class. It also provides stability for the platform itself, as it prevents liquidity issues during rapid price fluctuations. Using concepts like dynamic leverage and Auto-Deleveraging, Bybit’s risk limit protects traders and the exchange from potentially substantial losses.

Meanwhile, Bybit traders should keep in mind that while using the risk limit feature as well as stop losses and the laddered liquidation system helps them in effectively capping their risk exposure, they should consider setting up these tools based on their risk appetite, trading style, and account size. Risk management is the most essential element in a successful trading career. So, make sure to implement sound risk management practices when trading on Bybit.

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My name is Edris, founder of TradingRage. I have been a crypto & forex trader and asset manager for the last 5 years. I’ve also been writing online content about finance and the financial markets, as it is my true passion. I’ve written numerous articles, landing pages, and market analyses (for popular websites like CryptoQuant and CryptoPotato.com) . To wrap it up, I am a trader, money manager and author.

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